This is a story of a “tinman” just like the one in THE Wizard of OZ, who didn’t recognize the beauty of his own heart. Mainly, because in his metal world of bits and bytes and wires, this kind of beauty was not valued..emphasis on the word “value” In the corporate world, value is based on money and power an millions of “likes” from millions of strangers that don’t even know you ,let alone “like you..! I have seen this hideous world grow up around me for years now and had managed to remain an out-layer, until an act of great love compelled me to dive in head first! As vulnerable and trusting as a young child, I could not even imagine the depths of evil and indifference that was “business as usual” In the world of Broken Machines! Being an artist, I have only trained my eyes to the beauty of the world of the LIVING..I did not know the rules of this new scary world! I started a website in an effort to defend women and children and animals that have been so badly exploited and used to feed this ravenous metal and mortar monster, with a gaping mouth that can only consume and demand more! more! MORE! It has almost succeeded in destroying the natural world, and it is still hungry…hungry enough that it smelled me out as soon as I set foot into it’s lair. Like a spider that can feel something caught in it’s web…It came for me, fangs bared. My website is going to be my new creative universe, now that I am half paralyzed in a wheelchair after an accident in 2013 I am not able to do most of my other art forms that I so loved.. Even now, writing this piece, I can only type one letter at a time with my right index finger! So, my website being my new “baby” I fought for it with all the ferocity of any mother fighting for her child! But alas, alone and totally bewildered and outpowered, I cried out into the cold darkness, full of cyber predators and all manor of monsters I didn’t understand.. Help! Help! Please don’t hurt me! I’m here to give! My outstretched hand suddenly felt a warm, living hand grab on to it and Woosh! Pulled my grateful,scarred body out of the darkness! A man!A living MAN that shone brighter than any of the “”elegant” machines he was tasked with maintaining..! My “tin Man” hero’s name is Austin, he saved me when I really needed it!

One Response

  1. I also, would like to thank CHRIS!! You helped me out yesterday as well!! XO Dana